Drafty Poem

I think one of the things I was trying to convey with this home was a sense of mystery and Mitch ritual surrounding the pumpkin. I try to accomplish this by using vague terms and play around with the title a few times before I was satisfied for example I start out with no title at all in the first iteration pumpkin then I tried to convey or advanced subtlety with ideas like hollow hollow twilight‘so it was often a difficult decision for me trying to decide how do use the last stanza convey the same kinds of themes but in the end I decided to keep it so help that after writing the phone with you times I have room on the small page to actually fit the last stanza. And also adding and changing some adjectives to try to convey different ideas to the reader for example I want to emphasize with the pagan gods no longer existing something forgotten another decision I wasn’t sure with, was my decision to personify to personified the pumpkin by using adjectives such as it hits it. This was a tough decision for me, I was not certain what to use because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to personify the pumpkin given that the first part of the stanza was regarding repose.

Not sure ironically enough my decision to write this phone was mostly influenced by design constraints. I was not sure to fit a home in such a small hey space I’ll also be in something worthwhile and interesting at the same time skills so I wanted to do something creative fashion and cystic capabilities I need to see I decided because I felt that the mess in terms of artistic design additionally this also to read about the things we discussed in class such as New England song feeling feeling it conveys. I was really inspired by that discussion. Additionally Halloween is a holiday needs a lot to me and I have a lot of fun memories


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